'Sampada' - issues and feature requests, additions

'Sampada' - issues and feature requests, additions


Tasks pending

Status - (W - working on it, D - Dropped, F - Finished Task, N - Not sure about the request)

Input by Pavanaja:
* Comment titles getting curtailed (F). Thanks to UnConeD
* 403, 404 Redirect pages to be kept away from other articles (F).
* My recent posts option.

Input by OLN:
* Font Size/Increase (F).
* Active registered users count on mainpage. (F)
* ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ ಉತ್ತರ section.
* 'links' section. - guess we can do the above two requests on discussion forum. (D)
* ಬಯಕೆ ಪಟ್ಟಿ, ವಿಷ್ ಲಿಸ್ಟ್, - added. (F)
* Chat Interface (F)
* Community Glossary. (w)

* drafts.

* interface needs more color.

* Comments RSS

Other issues:
* Buddy list CSS.
* Voting bug on Submission queue.

P.S: Add comments to discuss any of the above.